Our Mission
The Power Trading Institute of the Commodity Markets Council is the preeminent champion of open, transparent, competitive, and fair electricity and related markets in the United States of America. The Power Trading Institute ethically and responsibly communicates with government legislators, regulators, and policy makers to promote laws and policies that create, sustain, and advance electricity and related markets with these traits.
What We Advocate
We advocate for open, transparent, competitive and fair electricity and related markets that result in consumer savings.
- Support for markets that are open and accessible
- Changing the general, negative misconceptions regarding trading activity
- Robust price formation
- Regulatory transparency, certainty, and consistency
- Policy that is market friendly and encourages competition
- Market design based upon competitive economic principles
- Sanctity of tariffs and market rules
- Cost allocation based upon sound cost causation/beneficiary pays principles
- Support for strong business ethics
Well-designed markets foster a competitive environment allowing wholesale power traders to compete to build portfolios, manage risk, and create value, all of which ultimately benefits customers.